Quiz for Junichi Kato Unko-chan distribution Emon fan test
Quiz for Junichi Kato Unko-chan distribution Emon fan test
A quiz from the popular broadcaster "Junichi Kato (Unko-cteen patti classichan)" is now available!
A quiz from the popular broadcaster "Junichi Kato (Unko-chan)" is now available!
How well do you know Junichi Kato? ?
Install for free and try it!
Quiz content (difficulty)
・Swamp class
・Ikenuma Class
・Gold Bolt Class
・I've always loved Unko-chan!
·Father of Junichi Kato
・I want to know more about Junichi Kato!
・I'm the number one fan in the world!
・Light test as a game to kill time
・I'm looking for something to talk about!
・I have confidence in Junichi Kato's knowledge!
・I want to enjoy my free time!
・ I want to play a quiz app!
・I want to take advantage of the free quizzes!
·I like games
・I want to kill time
・ I want to play a simple game on my smartphone
rummy game 51 bonus