My discounts
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The latest catalogs of offers and promotions - Kaufland, Carrefour, Lidl, Penny
My Discounts is the best free app that brings together current deals and offers catalogs on your phone. Here you will find the largest database of catalogs, offers, opportunities and promotions in stores, restaurants and shopping centers.
A convenient shopping list will help plan your purchases. You can simply bookmark them by looking at the catalog and looking for deals. 🛍️
You can also save your loyalty cards to my discounts. Get rid of unnecessary plastic cards in your wallet! 💳
Using this search mode, you will quickly search all catalogs, choosing a few products that are on offer. 🛒
In our offers app you will find the current catalogs in stores, the most important offers and the most attractive promotions, coupons, discounts, discounts as well as opportunities.
My Discounts is your personal store explorer - the recipe for successful shopping and smart savings! 💰
Why so many people chose My Discounts:
☆ More than 34 stores in 8 categories
☆ A convenient shopping list
☆ Loyalty cards on your smartphone
Be environmentally friendly. Promotions, discounts, offers and discounts on your cell phone!
Check out your favorite centers and see offers in stores!
Save your selected offer catalogs offline!
Stay up to date with discounts and promotions in stores:
Kaufland offer catalogues, Carrefour promotional catalogues, Lidl offer catalogue, Cora promotional catalogues, Mega Image, Penny Market, Profi, LaDoiPași, Annabella, Diana, Dedeman, Brico Depot, LEMS, Jysk, Diego.
You have access to current store offers and food discounts, as well as discounts, furniture store offers, drugstore promotions and more.
Thanks to this very practical option of analyzing promotional brochures, you can find store promotions, and with loyalty cards you can buy them cheaper!
Grocery stores:
• Kaufland
• Carrefour
• Lidl
• Cora
• Mega Image
• Profi
• Two steps
• Penny Market
• Annabella
• Diana
• Supeco
• Comment
Drugstores, pharmacies:
• dm
• Avon
• Douglas
• Oriflame
Cell phone :
• Jutland
• Diego
• Mobexpert
• Reading
• Mömax
Construction, house and garden:
• Dedeman
• Brico Depot
• Atmosphere
• Hornbach
Home appliances :
• Altex
• Galaxy Media
• Orange Shop
Clothing, clothing, footwear, fashion:
• Hervis
Cash and Carry :
• Metro
• Selgros
Pharmaceutical :
• Sensitive
And more loyalty cards:
Kaufland, Carrefour, dm, Intersport, EuroGsm, IKEA, Selgros, Douglas, Diana, Mega Image, Ambient, Diego and many more.
All catalogs with offers, discounts, in-store promotions and bargains at hand.
The best app for Android promotions on the Google Play Store!
My discounts - smart shopping, promotions and catalogs 🏆
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