
Monster Pal Runner

Monster Pal Runner

Run and collect monster bodies to defeat enemy monster in the game.

Do you want to run like a wild monster in the game?

Here is the Monster Pal Runner game just for you.

Get ready to run like wild monsters in the game. Run and collect the body of the desired monster that crosses the race. On the catwalk, you will have a head, hands, body and legs. Collect your favorite and create a powerful monster.

kurummy.inThe choice is yours to select the body part. You can create a new mutant by collecting the different body parts.

The game contains different levels. Each of the levels contains different parts of the monster.

At the end of the race, an enemy monster will be waiting for you. You will have to defeat the monster using your power. Defeat the evil enemy monster and win the level.

Improve your monsters by choosing your favorite body parts and creating a strong monster!

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