HelpTalk - Baixar APK para Android | Aptoide
Descrição do HelpTalk: Report emergency, crime etc
HelpTalk is a free app that proudly helps you:
(i) make complaints to resolve issues or;
(ii) report crimes/emergencies
... by connecting you with people who deal with these issues/emergencies. ☺
Example of issues & emergencies HelpTalk can help resolve includDragon Hatch e:
Accidents, Depression, Rude public servants, Fire outbreak, Issues at the airport, Issues your
Mobile network provider, Crime, Bad roads etc in your street, Issues with your
employer/employee, Issues with your commercial bank, Domestic violence, Child abuse, general
emergencies etc
Thus, HelpTalk serves as: an emergency call/button/911; report crime; crime alert; security;
helplines; notify nigeria tv, radio, newspapers, blogs & news carriers generally of issues &
violation of constitutional rights; depression; accident; complaints; government & politics; human
rights etc app
And these complaining/reporting/reaching out to can be done via text, images/photos/pictures,
videos, attachment of screenshots, phone calls, sms etc & on all days including valentine's day,
easter, christmas etc
DISCLAIMER: HelpTalk is not in any way affiliated with any government/government agency.